You already know you are unique​, we all are, but just sometimes we get in our own way, just sometimes we just don't know what we don't know about ourselves and if we did, then we could do something about fixing the things that aren't quite right and enhancing the things that really are good about us

What if there was a way to see yourself in such a way that you could use that information to make a better you?

Well, there is and it's called the Judgement Index.

It's a simple 20 minute on-line tool in which you are asked to sort two lists of random words into an order that you believe to be correct.

There is no right or wrong answers and this is not a test, the words are used as part of a mathematical​ and logical calculation to produce a comprehensive report with over 80 indicators about yourself.

The report will give you an insight into your work side and self side​ and a series of balance indicators all of which have an effect on each other.

Often one indicator tells you something you may already be aware of, but perhaps the results are linked to something else in your life that you may not be fully conscious about.

The report cannot be given to you via an automated link, they are unique, extremely comprehensive and very powerful and can only be delivered by a qualified consultant.​

The Index simply works in an undeniable manner day‐in and day‐out.  It gives accurate insight, produces measurable results and provokes important conversations.

What is the Judgement Index?

The Judgement Index is the world’s original and best values based assessment tool and has no equal when it comes to identifying and developing the right people.

Established in the 1970’s from decades of research by Nobel Prize nominee Dr Robert S Hartman, the Judgement Index has been integrated into forward thinking organisations long before “values” became a buzzword.

It is one of the most highly mathematical, scientific and logically-based assessment instruments ever created, and no other values based assessment comes close to it in terms of depth and sophistication.

It empowers you to measure the value system and the judgement capacity and capability of an individual – and it does so with unswerving accuracy.

The Judgement Index is not a personality assessment

People can have pleasing and engaging personalities.

They may even have the skill sets, experience, and knowledge your organisation requires.

Studies have shown that people are more likely to hire someone they feel is “like them” and we often hear people say they recruit on “gut instinct”

However, if the candidate does not possess good judgement – the determining factor in how every other talent and capability they offer is utilised – then successful outcomes are often not realised.

Personality assessments often categorise people into one of sixteen personality types.

In fact, someone who is a CEO and a particular personality type will no doubt find others with the same type serving life in prison.

The differentiator between these people, one in prison and one regarded as a success is their judgement.

Personality simple is not a good predictor of success – good judgement is.

How does the Judgement Index work?

"Generally speaking most assessment tools consist of a list of adjectives from which respondents select words that are most/least like them, and are designed to measure “style,” or tendencies and preferences.

While they can seem highly insightful — not to mention being widely available and inexpensive — they have some severe shortcomings when used in high stakes applications such as hiring.

For one, they tend to be highly transparent, enabling a test taker to manipulate the results in a way that they feel will be viewed favourably by the administrator.”

The Judgement Index is a simple, online assessment and whilst it is not timed, it takes on average around 20 minutes to complete.

The participant is twice required to drag and drop 18 abstract phrases into a sequence and order that feels right for them.

Because of the abstract nature of the phrases, the assessment forces the participant to reflect and sieve through their own value systems before deciding on an order, which is why it is not possible to predict a desired order and sequence – or outcome.

What Result Can You Expect

Vicki La Bouchardiere

There are over 12 trillion possible outcomes from the Judgement Index and the results are shown in over 60 different indicators, looking at the participants work and self (personal) side, their internal, external and big picture values, along with their balance of values, and depending on the needs of the organisation we can strip those indicators down to the essential, or provide full written narratives & development workshops as required.

If you take the report and you are open minded to accept that what it will tell you will highlight a number of important and valuable insights into your own life, by using that information together with a structured coaching programme you can over time see a change in the results.

Vicki and Kevin have both studied the Judgement Index, however, Vicki has taken her studies to the next level and has become an Associate Director for the Judgment Index UK.

Vicki's skill in delivering the results to business owners and their staff is a very powerful experience.  The insights the reports provide is often eye opening and, from the results, coaching programmes and action points either created by yourselves or us can then be implemented.

How Can You Benefit

From Understanding Your Own Judgement?

The Judgement Index is effective for anyone.

The Index is not a determination of skill set competencies, rational intelligence, or emotional stability; it is a determination of the capacity for good judgement.

Improvements in judgement will improve you, your business and your home-life.

The Judgement Index can help you achieve your best performance.  Top ranked teams and individuals use the knowledge gained from the Judgement Index to drive them to the upper echelons of their profession.​

The Judgement Index is used successfully to save organisations millions of pounds through a variety of methods:

  • ​Business owner strategy planning
  • Increased innovation
  • Reduced stress
  • Identification of potential burnout
  • Greater strategic awareness
  • Executive coaching
  • Succession planning
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Improved hiring practices
  • Improved customer service
  • Increased sales
  • Improved company morale
  • Better team decision making

Depending on the needs of you or your business, the Judgement Index can be applied to benefit all of the above.​

Here is what we deliver to you

This is not a quick on-line DIY tool.  The power and benefit to you comes from the interpretation, and that can only be delivered by experienced, skilled consultants.  ​

Here at Venture Coaching, we specifically work with ambitious entrepreneurs who genuinely want to find ways to make more money and have an easier life

We have also worked with and studied the behaviour of hundreds of other business owners over our combined working careers and we are currently conducting research to advance our understanding even further, because we believe this is by far the very best tool available.

Therefore for you to get the best out of the reports and more importantly what it means to you, we are offering three very powerful options, including a couple's feedback option for those who live and work together.

  • Couples feedback, in which we also discuss the challenges and benefits of living and working together
  • A Team package for those with employees - choose the team option for 6 or more people including yourselves.
  • If you'd prefer to take the assessment alone, there is an option for a single report

For team feedback, you will provide the meeting room either at your premises or a suitable venue off-site. We reserve the right to charge for travel if you are located more than 30 miles from our base in North Dorset.

This is what you get

Each person receives a full written report which is explained to you in detail, either in person or via Skype.  This is where the skill of the person who delivers the report is key - no two reports are ever the same, and thus as each part of the report is explained, it will prompt relevant reactions and in some cases will require deeper exploration and explanation.

Usually, people are happy to share their reports with their partner and colleagues, but initially the information is delivered in a way in which your privacy is protected.  

So, in a group environment, the group session would be to deliver the content much more generically, so each individual can interpret their own results with guidance from Vicki. If any individuals look particularly vulnerable, showing signs of extreme stress or burnout, Vicki will go though their reports with them privately in advance.

You will also be encouraged to complete an action plan based on the development areas your report highlights

We can also produce a "Team Report" which is a very valuable tool in assessing how well the team are as a whole with their combined Judgement, extremely powerful for management and small companies.

OK, so you are bit skeptical, we understand that

We used Judgement Index as a key part of a Senior Management Development programme as it effectively measured the core aspects of effective leadership in a way that was simple but incredibly powerful.

As a method of identifying high performance, and behaviour in a range of different settings, there are few better tools

David Murray, Learning and Development Manager, Shepherd Group

We have been using the Judgement Index as part of our overall recruitment strategy which has shown positive results in the calibre and values of the candidates we have employed.

We are using this tool proactively to assist in assessing all other staff across the organisation to identify training and support needs to ensure we all work towards the company goals and values.

St Cloud Care

I was first introduced to Judgement Index in 2008 when serving in the British Army and Commanding the Operational Training Advisory Group (OPTAG), charged with delivery pre deployment/mission specific training to all soldiers and Royal Marines bound for Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo and Georgia.

Having suspected some issues with one of my more high functioning teams, I asked Rob Coulthard (Managing Director of Judgment Index UK Ltd) to assist.

After a 20 minute on-line questionnaire, entirely anonymous as far as Rob was concerned, he was able not only to identify the problem areas, assess the underlying issues but to suggest highly effective coping strategies for those concerned.

That team was functioning to full capacity within two weeks and this was entirely down to the Judgement Index.

In addition his assessment correctly identified one of the subjects who was suffering from post operational strain and our early intervention enabled us to minimise the effect on the individual and rehabilitate him rapidly.

Determined to find out more about this impressive tool, I researched other projects that Rob had undertaken with Royal Marines, aircrew, and the winning Royal Navy Rugby team of 2010.

I subsequently used the Judgement Index for assembling and maintaining military teams and for developmental work within them.

I was also able to recommend their implementation into the UK Sport, the Great Britain Olympic yachting teams (RYA) and the English RFU.

All this has led me to recommend the Judgement Index to my own company as the assessment and development tool of choice for a company of 68,000 personnel world-wide.

Colonel (Retired) RJ Westley OBE MC

Here are some, typical questions people ask​

So you're telling me you can actually measure judgement?  That sounds impossible!

Most people don’t easily understand that judgement can actually be measured, or that it’s something organisations can put into practice and use to improve every day lives. We understand that feeling here at the Judgement Index as we, ourselves were once sceptical and had doubts. So we invite you to talk to us if you do have questions, but we’d like you to understand the importance of being able to measure judgement: If you can measure it, then you can understand it, then you can improve it. If you can improve judgement, then you can improve the world.

How certain are the results?  Can the Judgement Index be tricked?

Because of the abstract nature of the words and phrases in the Judgement Index, it is near impossible to “game”. The phrases give little away as to a desired order and ranking and this forces the individual to reflect on their own value system in order to complete it. The assessment does not ask the individual what they think of themselves, it just asks them to think. There are also in-built validity indicators in the Judgement Index that will suggest a retake if necessary.

Does the Judgement Index discriminate against any particular group of people?

The results are not skewed based on any race, religion, disability, age or gender.

Are there validation studies?

Yes, the Judgement Index has been validated in over 30 individual studies including construct validity, face validity and predictive validity. The compendium of validation studies is available on request. Concurrent validation studies keep the results accurate and fresh.

Has the Judgement Index been approved for use by the EEOC?

The Judgement Index meets the rigorous standards by the United States Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for employment assessments.

What makes the Judgement Index different?

It differentiates itself by having over 40 years of clinical experience utilising the Judgement Index and developing a comprehensive manual of interpretation. No other assessment company has more in-depth, real world experience.

Is it like Myers Briggs, MMPI or an IQ test?

No. Myers Briggs is a personality profile and an MMPI is used to determine psychiatric wellness. An IQ test measures rational intelligence. The Judgement Index is used to determine the capacity for good judgement. Your results can change over time which is why it is often used as a development tool, and it is also a more accurate predictor of performance than any personality profile.

Our business already uses an assessment tool, why use the Judgement Index?

The Judgement Index can be used effectively alongside or in conjunction with other assessment tools, or it can be used to replace them.

Most assessments are either personality profiles or psychiatric wellness indicators and whilst they may produce interesting information, studies have shown that personality profiles are not reliable indicators of job success.

For example it is not difficult to identify excellent managers with quite different personalities. However, any manager with bad judgement, no matter their personality, will not perform as desired.


Performance Improvement:

Large Corporation

DEVELOPMENT of Current Employees is KEY to SUCCESS

  • The Judgement Index was used to create best performer models in eleven key occupations.
  • Individual, team and department improvement actions were created to build best performer measures.
  • Performance was measured by a 5-point rating system.​


On the 29 persons hired, had the eventual hiring template for this area been in place

  • 42% reduction in Unsatisfactory
  • 86% reduction in Fair
  • 125% improvement in Commendable
  • 420% improvement in Excellent
  • 250% improvement in Distinguished

Performance grading took place in an environment that is intentionally scored in a conservative manner.

​Performance improvements add directly to the BOTTOM LINE of any organisation

Risk Management & Safety Case Study:

USA Construction Company

Loss of Time Accident Report

  • The following data relates to individuals involved in 29 lost time accidents
  • The average cost of each accident was $80,000 ($2.4 Million Total)
  • The data was gained from assessments that were done with this company before the Judgement Index hiring template was put in place.​


On the 29 persons hired, had the eventual hiring template for this area been in place

  • 20 individual would have not been hired.
  • 9 persons would have been recommended for hire with 3 being provisional hires.

It will also warrant a close look at the accidents involving the 9 persons.

  • Who would have been recommended?
  • It is very possible that non human factors may have been more dominate incausing the accidents.